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LSEG Workspace ENG

Instructions for use


The search bar can be found at the top of the home screen or via a shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE.

In the search bar, users can enter the name of the instrument that they are interested in, e.g. "SBITOP" index. The program will offer us different options, which we can move between with the buttons " " in " " on the keyboard or the desired selection can be found by moving the mouse. By clicking on the desired option or by pressing ENTER to confirm the selection.

The marking in the square to the left of the instrument name helps us to choose correctly between instruments of different categories. The most common designations are as follows:

  • "EQ" / Equity

  • "CMP" / Organization

  • "APP" / Application

  • "INDX" / Index

  • "CTRY" / Country

  • "FND" / Fund

  • "COM" / Commodity

  • "BOND" / Bond

  • "FX" / FX & Money

After selecting the desired instrument, the database returns a printout of general information about the instrument (e.g. about the "SBITOP" index), from which we can further search for more detailed data using the toolbar. In the marked line there are subcategories, in which the data contained is linked only to the selected instrument (in our case, index "SBITOP").

In a similar way, we can also access other data, such as currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, raw materials, etc.

Filtering by category

In case that we want to filter the search to just a single category of instruments, we start the search by typing "!" and then choose the desired category (e.g. only bonds, only indices, only public companies ...)

For example, if we want to only search for bonds of a company or government, we type "!bond" and then continue with the name of the issuer of interest.

Example - Slovenian government bonds

We want to obtain a list of Slovenian government bonds that are currently on the market, and find out what is the latest maturity date amongst them.

Choose Markets -> Fixed Income.

Then we specify Slovenia as the country instead of the default setting of the whole world. On the left side we then choose Bonds.

Because we're interested in government bonds, we specify Government under Bonds.

We are brought to the page with the table we wanted to find. We need to pay attention that Bonds (the ones with longer maturity) or Bills (the ones with shorter maturity) is chosen in the bar above the table and not Benchmarks (just some of them).

We can sort the bonds by Maturity Date and observe that (at least at the time of making this guide) the latest maturity date amongst Slovenia government bonds is March 3rd, 2081. To get additional information about the bond we can click on its identificator (RIC).

The list of those bonds could also be accessed using the Screener app: Search Tools -> Bonds (shortcut GOVSRCH), where we would set the issuer to Slovenia as a filter.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support