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Instructions for use

Datastream Chart app

The Datastream Chart application is used for exploring and comparing different time series of macroeconomic data and their trends. It can be accessed through Charting -> Datastream Chart (or using a shortcut DSCHART).

In the Datastream Chart app bar that appears, there are a few tabs available:

  • Key Indicators: lists of important macroeconomic data that can be filtered for countries and categories,
  • Library: various already prepared charts,
  • Chart: drawing charts,
  • Chartbook: quick comparisons of different datasets for a country or a region,
  • News In Charts: current financial news in charts, accompanied with commentary.

Drawing charts

By clicking on Add New Chart, a new empty chart gets created.

To add lines to the chart, we can:

  • write the desired data in the window inside the Series section and then choose among the offered datasets, or
  • use the advanced search: by clicking on the arrow under the window and selecting Find New Series a new window opens, which offers a more in-depth search of macroeconomic data. Numerous options of filtering are available (e.g. choosing time series with a certain data interval, still active ones etc.). 

When using the Find New Series window, we confirm the choice by clicking on the Symbol of the time series we would like to use (blue text).

To change the displayed time interval we use Date Range on the bottom-left side, and to show values in a table instead of a chart we choose the option Data on the right side above the chart.

Charts can also be saved for the later use with the help of buttons Save and Save as (top-left side):

To change the number of panels we select the button marked below. For example, for the chart below we used the option Two Equal Panes - 1:1, which splits the canvas into to two separate graphs:

For some additional options we select the button "+":

Some of those options include:

  • "Pane": adding a new sub-window (an additional graph),
  • "Forecast": inserting your own forecasts for the future that get drawn in the chart,
  • "Standard Deviation": adding the standard deviation of data in the chart,
  • various possibilities of adding text, comments and lines.

By using other buttons in the tool bar we can also perform regressions, slice the data etc.

Export to Excel, Word and PowerPoint

We can export the Datastream charts to Excel, Word or PowerPoint (only when the chart has been saved!). This is done by using the dedicated buttons:

A new window opens in which we can change the sizes, dimensions etc. When satisfied with settings, we click on Export Chart and the chart will appear in the MS Office program that we specified (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).

Exported charts in MS Office programs can be later updated using the Refresh Selection option within Refinitiv tab. We need to be signed in RWS on computer to use this function, so doing this is not viable on home computers.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support