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LSEG Workspace ENG

Instructions for use

Debt & Credit

If we want to obtain debt and credit information for a selected company, we can do so using the Debt & Credit category, which can be found on the main screen of the Company -> Overview window. 

Debt & Credit subcategories are shown below. Some of the most important ones will be further explained below.

Debt Structure

If we select the Debt Structure subcategory from the window above, the financial database takes us to a tab where we have an insight into the debt structure of the selected company.

The page displays a number of important data regarding the company's debt structure and bonds. The data can be further adjusted using the configurator above the list of output data.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support