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LSEG Workspace ENG

Instructions for use


If we want to obtain information about financial or other forecasts for the selected company, we can do this using the Estimates category, which can be found on the main screen of the Company -> Overview window. 

The Estimates subcategories are shown below. Some of the most important ones will be further explained below.

Statement View

If we select the Statement View subcategory from the window above, the financial database takes us to a tab where we have insight into the financial statements of the selected company, such as Income Statement, Balance Sheet, etc. Also next to them are the financial forecasts for the following years.

Many important accounting data are displayed on the page, such as Cost of Goods Sold, EBITDA, etc. The data can be further adjusted using the configurator above the list of output data.

If we want to examine another financial statement (e.g. Balance Sheet), we can do so by clicking on Template -> Balance Sheet.

Detailed Estimates

Within the Detailed Estimates subcategory, we find more detailed forecasts of the selected financial indicator or operating result. For faster access to this section, we can use the shortcut ESTD in the search bar. A graph of the historical movement of the ratings and a list of the ratings of all analysts who contributed to the rating are shown. For each individual analyst, we can also look at their past forecasts.

Recommendations & Target Price

If we select the Recommendations & Target Price subcategory from the initial window, the financial database takes us to a tab where we have insight into the recommendations and target value of the share price of the selected company. 

The page displays a number of important data, including a graph showing the movement of the share price and simultaneous buy and sell recommendations from analysts. In the section below, there are also assessments and recommendations of other analysts who have published their perspective on the price and state of the selected company's stock. On the left side, there are summaries of analysts opinions and summaries of ratings.

Historical Surprise

If we select the Historical Surprise subcategory from the initial window, the financial database takes us to a tab where we have an insight into the deviations of the actual published financial data of the company from the expected values ​​of these data, which the company previously published as a forecast.

In the configurator above the graph, we can select the financial element we are interested in (e.g. Net Income, Revenue, EPS...). Below we have deviations and other statistical data of the company in connection with the selected financial element.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support