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LSEG Workspace ENG

Instructions for use

Financial data

The Financials tab contains a variety of financial data. Financial Summary shows a summary of important data from different financial statements of the company. The full statements such as balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement are also available in their respective selections under this tab. We can obtain more useful information in other selections of this tab, such as business operations by region, valuations based on financial indicators.

Financial statements

We are interested in the value of retained earnings for the company Apple Inc. for the fiscal quarter that ended in June 2022.

We find the company Apple using the search bar and then through Financials tab select Balance Sheet.

Alternatively, we can use a shortcut to directly access the Balance sheet — abbreviation BAL. Similarly, we can type the abbreviation INC for a quicker access to the Income statement and CF for the cash flow statement.

Since we are interested in data from the quarterly report, we first need to change the view from annual to quarterly. This can be done under Period. Then we need to click on Update View and the table will be refreshed.

We look for Retained Earnings - Total in the table (where some basic accounting knowledge helps us locate it faster).

If we are interested in how some value has been calculated, we can click on a number and in relevant instances an equation will be shown.

When moving the cursor over the Retained Earnings - Total window, two new symbols appear. The first one (representing a bar chart) shows us the movement of the element in the past statements when clicking on it. The second one (representing a question mark) offers us additional information or explanations about that element. This can be helpful when examining the differences in calculations between Company Specific (actually published data) and Standardized (modified by Refinitiv Workspace for an easier comparison between different companies) in the View section (see below).

Displayed currency can be modified using the window on the left side of the screen. A new section will appear in the table, showing the exchange rate between the currently selected and the original currency. To expand/shrink this window we use the little square with an arrow on the left side of the title (Balance Sheet). To refresh the data we need to again choose Update View.

To obtain the actual quarterly report where the data has been published, we selected the marked symbol below and a new window with the document will be opened.

Exporting financial statements to Excel

If we want to export a set of financial statements to Excel, we use the symbol marked below on the top-right side and select the ones we would like to download.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support