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Video - Economic Indicator

Economic Indicator

In case the user wants to obtain specific economic data for a particular country, he can do so using the Economic Indicator app.

The newly opened tab shows the selected country and the indicator we are interested in. The upper part contains information about the country and the indicator, while the fluctuation of the value of the selected indicator over a certain period of time is shown below.

In case the user wants to change the studied country, he can do so by clicking on the marked button. In the newly opened tab, it is possible to select the country that the user wants to analyse.

The user can also select the source from which the data is obtained. Sources can be selected/changed by clicking the "Source" button.

In addition to the source selection, categories and subcategories can also be selected ("Econ-Categories" and "Econ-Subcategories"). This makes it easier for the user to find certain specific information.

In the last part of the process, the user must select the indicator/value he needs for analysis. This is determined on the "Indicator" tab.

When the user is satisfied with the search and the results, the data can be exported to Excel for further analysis.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support