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LSEG Workspace ENG

Instructions for use

Video - Layout


Among other things, Refinitiv Workspace also allows you to customize layouts. This feature won't be very useful for most students, because Refinitiv Workspace already has a very sophisticated overall view set up by default, which is perfectly fine for educational purposes.

To create a new Layout you can:

  • click on the icon with the Refinitiv logo and select New Layout, or
  • when creating a new tab, select Create New Layout on the right side.

We choose the shape and number of panels and the data to be displayed in them.

The panels can be moved at will and thus transform the layout. We do this with drag and drop for an individual panel.

Marking different panels with the same Link This button color means that when an instrument is changed in one panel, the instrument change will also occur in all linked panels. Therefore, if we select an instrument in the left panel (Monitor), the graph and news panels on the right will automatically adapt to the selection and start displaying data for the newly selected instrument.

Adding a new panel is done using the Panel Menu button in the upper right corner of each panel. Select Add Panel to and choose the desired position. You can also add a new tab to the panel (Add Tab).

Via the App Menu button on the right side above, we can also select the Add Sheet option, which adds a new sheet (similar to Excel) to the current Layout. By clicking the Save as button, the Layout can be saved for future use.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support