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Instructions for use

Video - Macro Explorer

Macro Explorer

One of the subcategories is Macro Explorer, which can be accessed via Markets -> Macro Explorer.

Selecting this subcategory opens a tab where we can see the world map. The map shows a number of macro data and indicators in a certain time interval. The display and selection of this data can be adjusted using filters and the configurator on the left side of the program.

By left-clicking + dragging on the bar chart on the left side, the selection can be narrowed down to the desired values. Countries that match the selected values ​​will be colored on the map, while those that do not will be colored black.

You can also click on individual countries on the map and add them to the selection. Two new windows will open in the lower corner of the program, which will display data for each country that is added to the selection / selected on the map.

By clicking on the Sector subcategory, the appearance of the Macro Data Explorer can be adjusted to the display for an individual market sector. By clicking on an individual segment, we can check the market shares of individual countries and their composition.

The size of the segments represents their relative value to each other.

Macro Explorer / Table View

If we want to display the data obtained with Macro Explorer in a table view, we can do so using the button in the image below.

By clicking on the button, a new tab opens, on which the data is sorted in a table view.

The search can be further customized using the configurator and filters on the program page under the "Countries in Universe" and "Content Manager" tabs. By clicking on the "Countries in Universe" button, the user can select the countries from which they wish to obtain information.

Economic indicators are also determined very similarly, using the Content Manager button. Clicking on the button opens a list of possible indicators that the user can search for and select for further analysis.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support