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FitchConnect ENG

Instructions for use

Portfolio overview

Accessing a saved portfolio is done in the same manner as when creating a new one: on FitchConnect homepage we select Fundamental Data & Analytics -> Data Tools -> Portfolio.

Then we can observe Research (reports and ratings) for companies in the portfolio by clicking on View research. Selecting Custom Views on the other hand will allow us to examine multiple companies from the portfolio and their financial data.



Appearance of the table can either be changed to one of the templates or we create a custom view. It can also be exported to Excel using the button on the right side above the table.

Next to the export button are the options to set the date of the data shown.

Editing portfolios

Let us add another filter to the portfolio of German insurance companies — total assets.

In the list of portfolios we choose the 3-dot symbol for the desired one and then Edit.

On of the options that appear besides Edit is Alert Settings, which allows us to customize alarm settings (which is however not very useful for the average study-related use). We can also turn on/off the alerts for the elements in the portfolio by clicking the bell symbol next to the 3 dots.

Choose Total assets - Insurance and the option of inputting a new criteria definition will show up.

We can set the criteria to companies larger or smaller than a certain limit, or the companies between two values. When satisfied with the setting, choose Add Criteria.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support