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Instructions for use

Country data

Searching for countries is also performed through the search bar (as with Single company data).

We arrive to the homepage which contains important information, namely the data about credit ratings, the list of peers, key financial data, ESG relevance to credit rating etc. Just as with companies, the outlined bar is available to us, using which we can access detailed data by category (explanation of individual tabs is available in Single company data section).

Lists of multiple bonds

A similar procedure as with companies (Multiple companies data) can be used to create lists of bonds. Under Advanced we select Issues in this case.

Example: let us observe the list of all Slovenian government bonds.

In Select Data Items open the Geography tab to find and select Slovenia.

Within Sector we find Sovereigns and tick it as well.

In the Filter section we can see or adjust the used filters, and Manage Results reports the number of all hits that satisfy our conditions.

There is a table below with the results out of which we can select the elements to either create a portfolio or export to Excel. The process is described in the boxes above.

The example in an alternative way

The same results could be obtained in an alternative way, namely by selecting Slovenia as the entity and then choosing the Issues tab. Again, we can select individual or all bonds and then add them to a portfolio by clicking on Add issues to portfolio or export to Excel using its adjacent button.

eTUTOR-CEL, ISSN: 2591-1090, Publisher: School of economics and business Ljubljana University Central Economics Library, 2017-, Editors: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Photo: FELU archive. Technical support