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Temelji managementa in organizacije: Videi Temelji managementa

#Video abstract 5: 5 pomembnih dimenzij poslovnega okolja managementa

#Video abstract 5: 5 pomembnih dimenzij poslovnega okolja managementa




V video prispevku vabimo k ogledu videa na temo 5 pomembnih dimenzij sodobnega okolja managemetna




Spremljanje okolja podjetja in identifikacija trendov prihodnosti ter prilagajanje le tem oziroma soustvarjanje sprememb, je ključno za dolgoročni uspeh podjetja. Pomembne dimenzije okolja, na katere mora biti pozoren sodobni manager, so:

1)     Digitalizacija. Digitalizacija je prisotna v vseh porah našega življenja in predstavlja velik potencial, saj se s pomočjo naprednih digitalnih tehnologij nadgrajujejo obstoječi in razvijajo novi izdelki in storitve ter poslovni modeli, kar dokazuje hiter razmah uporabe spletnih rešitev, mobilnih aplikacij, socialnih omrežij in drugih digitalnih rešitev.

2)     Ekologija in reševanje okoljskih problemov. Ekologija prihaja v ospredje, saj se ljudje vse bolj zavedamo, da je pomembno, v kakšnem okolju živimo in kaj bomo zapustili našim potomcem. Ukrepi, vezani na varovanje okolja se nanašajo na različna ključna področja, vključujoč podnebne spremembe, varovanje narave, kakovost tal, rabo obnovljivih virov energije, skrb za ohranjanje čiste vode in zraka, biotsko raznovrstnost, kulturno dediščino in druge.

3)     Varnost. Vloga varnosti na vseh nivojih, nacionalnem, organizacijskem in individualnem, vse bolj narašča. Poleg naravnih nesreč tudi kršitelji dnevno ustvarjajo nove pristope za ogrožanje varnosti, najsi gre za  varnost v družbi, varnost v organizacijah, varnost pri poslovanju, psihično varnost posameznika in njegovega premoženja, varnost na spletu ali varnost informacij, posledično pa raste tudi uvajanje sistemskih ukrepov za obvladovanje varnostnih tveganj.

4)     Zdravje. Zdravje je splošno sprejeta vrednota in bistvena sestavina kakovostnega življenja, kar se je jasno izkazalo v času izbruha Covid-19. Svetovna epidemija je zaprla številne države, omejila posameznike in spremenila naše vsakdanje navade, prav tako pa so tudi podjetja morala prilagoditi svoje poslovanje.

5)     Individualnost. V ospredje čedalje bolj prihajajo individualne vrednote, kar se kaže tudi v čedalje večjih pravicah posameznika glede varstva osebnih podatkov (GDPR).

Acknowledgments:*Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.  Program Leader: Full Professor Vlado Dimovski, PhD.

Fundamentals of management

Prof. dr. Vlado Dimovski, prof. dr. Sandra Penger, prof. dr. Judita Peterlin, doc. dr. Barbara Grah

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

#Video abstract 4: Multiple Intelligences

#Video Abstract 4: Multiple Intelligences








Cultivating Management Education Based on the Awareness of Students’ Multiple Intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligences enables a new view of the development of an individual and offers to the pedagogues a didactics approach, which is focused on developing strengths of a learner (Peterlin, 2014). Multiple intelligences are cognitive processes, ways of perception, interpretation, and organization of phenomena, which are a special form of creativity. Educators are emphasizing the need for developing students through arts and literature. Our case illustration demonstrates that business students are motivated to develop their personality through cultural artifacts and different theories. The article has two purposes: the first is to present management education, which emphasizes the importance of valuing culture and students’ implicit management theories, while the second is to suggest recommendations for integrating cultural content into management education, which we present through the managerial challenge of preserving Australian Slovenian cultural homes. The article presents a qualitative study on management perception of 106 business students who are embedded in contemporary culture and innovative cultural management education practices at the University of Ljubljana. The possibility and benefits of converting the complete curriculum of cultural management education emerge from this research. We hope that this article will enlighten educators and researchers to conduct further studies on cultural management education and multiple intelligences development.

PETERLIN, Judita, DIMOVSKI, Vlado, MEŠKO, Maja, ROBLEK, Vasja. Cultivating management education based on the awareness of students' multiple intelligences. SAGE open. [in press] 2021. ISSN 2158-2440. DOI: 10.1177/2158244020988277. [COBISS.SI-ID 47265795] financer: ARRS, Programi, P5-0364, SI, The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization.

Acknowledgments:*Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.  Program Leader: Full Professor Vlado Dimovski, PhD.

Fundamentals of management

Prof. dr. Vlado Dimovski, prof. dr. Sandra Penger, prof. dr. Judita Peterlin

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

#Video Abstract 3: Čustva in vodenje

#Video Abstract 3: 7 instrumentov za preusmeritev negativnih čustev v pozitivne aktivnosti in zaključevanje ciljev




V video prispevku vas s Saro Majdič, mag. posl. ved., prof. dr. Sandro Penger  in Jasmina Spahalić, urednico revije HR&M vas vabimo k ogledu videa na temo 7 instrumentov preusmeritve negativnih čustev v pozitivne aktivnosti in zaključevanje idej na delovnem mestu v dobi dela na daljavo.




Vodje se pogosto počutijo neprijetno v odnosih s sledilci, ki niso motivirani, saj ti prepogosto želijo zadržati in zamolčati svoja čustva, zaskrbljenost in strah, da bodo negativno vplivali na preostanek ekipe. Namesto tega bi si vodje morali prizadevati, da bi sledilce opolnomočili v smeri, da bi odkrili svoja čustva, ki temeljijo na njihovih bogatih izkušnjah, ter jim pomagali sprostiti notranjo samokritičnost in pomagali sledilcem usmeriti notranji negativni dialog v pozitivne akcije. Vloga vodje je, da notranji negativni dialog sledilca in njegove frustracije prepozna in jih usmeri v pozitivne akcije, ter negativni tok zamolčanih čustev in frustracij čim prej preusmeri v pozitivno spiralo novih dejavnosti.

MAJDIČ, Sara, PENGER, Sandra. Preusmeritev negativnih čustev v pozitivne aktivnosti in zaključevanje ciljev. HR&M : strokovna revija za področje razvoja organizacij in vodenja ljudi pri delu. [Tiskana izd.]. feb./mar. 2021, letn. 7, št. 32, str. 17-19, graf. prikazi. ISSN 2463-9443. [COBISS.SI-ID 51418371]

Acknowledgments*Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.  Program Leader: Full Professor Vlado Dimovski, PhD.


University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

#Video Abstract 2: Elements of authentic leadership

#Video Abstract 2: Elements of authentic leadership

“All my life through the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child.”  Marie Skłodowska Curie, first woman to win a Nobel Prize


In order to understand the essence of authentic leadership and identify the elements that are the most important for success in the marketplace, we sent out an electronic questionnaire to leading business managers in Slovenia to obtain their perspective on authenticity and its role in advanced leadership. The key message we discerned in their answers was that authenticity is a valuable quality in an organization and one that must be cultivated in order for each individual within the organization to contribute to its success.“




Who are you really? At what times do you say to yourself: that’s the real me!

Is your life integrated? Are you the same person in all phases of your life: your private life, job, social environment, and family? If not, what is preventing that? Do you build appearances? How important are other people opinions to you?

It is our pleasure to share with you our insights from our original scientific monograhp ‘Advanced Management and Leadership Practice’, authored by Dimovski, V., Penger, S., Peterlin, J., Grah, B., Černe, M., and Klepec. We invite all interested individuals to read more in our original scientific monograph:

Dimovski, V., Penger, S., Peterlin, J., Grah, B., Černe, M., & Klepec, M. (2016). Advanced management and leadership practice. Ljubljana: Pearson.

Acknowledgments*Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.  Program Leader: Full Professor Vlado Dimovski, PhD.

Fundamentals of management

Prof. dr. Vlado Dimovski, prof. dr. Sandra Penger, prof. dr. Judita Peterlin

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

#Video Abstract 1: Leading virtual meetings

In today's turbulent business environment meetings, supported with online tools  are common. Often it is hard to navigate people at different venues around the globe. Therefore careful preparation is necessary.

#Video Abstract 1: Leading virtual meetings



»Whether you have been participating in virtual meetings for years or just started this month, it's important to realize that video conferencing is not just conferencing over video - it's an entirely new communicating experience that requires adjusting your perspective, habits, and tactics to make it work effectively for you.« (Schwartzberg, 2020).

There are four types of meetings, each serving different needs and requiring different leadership. A good manager knows when to hold meetings, what leadership style is appropriate, how and when to use participative leadership, and how to facilitate consensus. English (1987) defines four types of meetings: 1) staff meetings (include reporting of facts by staff members to the manager and information giving by the managers to the staff members; 2) problem solving or decision-making meetings (the group uses facts and ideas to solve problems and make decisions); 3) a combination meeting (contains some elements of problem-solving and some reporting or information giving); and 4) creative meetings (team develops new ideas, relating to a theme or issue, open to a large member of participants, should exert little control).

PETERLIN, Judita, DIMOVSKI, Vlado. Solutions to the challenges in leading meetings : which multiple intelligence developmental method gives us more creative suggestions?. V: ŠPRAJC, Polona (ur.), et al. 39th International Conference on Organizational Science Development Organizations at Innovation and Digital Transformation Roundabout, September 23 - 24, 2020. ISBN 978-961-286-388- [COBISS.SI-ID 29974019]

Acknowledgments Part of the study was supported by EU Erasmus+ programme of the BLUES European Entrepreneurship experience - Blended-learning international entrepreneurship skills programme project. The authors acknowledge that the paper was partly financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization.

Fundamentals of management

Prof. dr. Vlado Dimovski, prof. dr. Sandra Penger, prof. dr. Judita Peterlin

University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business

eTUTOR-CEK, ISSN: 2591-1090, Izdajatelj: Ekonomska fakulteta Ljubljana, Centralna ekonomska knjižnica, 2017-, Urednika: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

Foto: Arhiv EF. Tehnična podpora