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Temelji managementa in organizacije: Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364

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Uspešno, inovativno gospodarstvo, trajnostno-naravnana potrošnja in država blaginje kot temelji prihodnjega  razvoja Slovenije (E-izd.). (2023). Ekonomska fakulteta.

Towards an integrated theory of aging : an organizational perspective (Dimovski et al. 2022)

Znanstvena monografija (Scientific monograph): DIMOVSKI, Vlado, PENGER, Sandra, PETERLIN, Judita, GRAH, Barbara, ROBLEK, Vasja, MEŠKO, Maja, PELJHAN, Darja, COLNAR, Simon, PENGER, Sandra (urednik), COLNAR, Simon (urednik). Towards an integrated theory of aging : an organizational perspective. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education, 2022. XIV, 164 str., tabele, graf. prikazi. ISBN 978-1-800-06736-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 124958979] financer: Supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 873077. Kategorija: 2A (Z, A'', A', A1/2); tip dela še ni verificiran, točke: 20, št. avtorjev: 8.

*Slovenian Research Agency, Program P5-0364 – The Impact of Corporate Governance, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Modern Organization, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana -  Slovenia. Head: full. prof. dr. Vlado Dimovski

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Izzivi in priložnosti družbene odgovornosti organizacij do starejših v Sloveniji

Znanstvena monografija: DIMOVSKI, Vlado, PENGER, Sandra, GRAH, Barbara, COLNAR, Simon, PETERLIN, Judita. Izzivi in priložnosti družbene odgovornosti organizacij do starejših v Sloveniji. V: MULEJ, Matjaž (ur.), et al. Inovativna trajnostna družbeno odgovorna družba. 3. knjiga, Skrb za starejše. Ljubljana: IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti, 2024. Str. 44-66. Zbirka Družbeno odgovorna družba. ISBN 978-961-7141-09-2.

[COBISS.SI-ID 201477379]

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AESIS Newsletter December 2022

New book on future social challenges of aging: “Towards an integrated theory of aging”
Authors: Vlado Dimovski, Sandra Penger, Judita Peterlin, Barbara Grah, Vasja Roblek, Maja Meško, Darja Peljhan, Simon Colnar, Sandra Penger (editor), Simon Colnar (editor).

During the next 30 years we will witness a significant increase in the elderly population in the world. This brings about the interesting question of an aging workforce and how to tackle it. There are certainly many benefits to having older employees. For example, years of experience on their side, making it easier to plan their work, act in autonomous ways and identify and solve critical situations. There are surely challenges as well, which include potential cognitive and physical challenges which the older workers can face, as well as ageism and discrimination from the younger workforce. Many companies have decided to battle these problems with trainings and changing of work conditions.

Towards an integrated theory of aging (Pearson Education, offers an insight into the aging population and solutions to the challenges this concept uncovers. Prof Dr Vlado Dimovski ( from School of Economics and Business at University of Ljubljana ( the driving force of the research team behind this book, describes the model of aging as “a three-part model of the aging workforce “…” it embodies energy, body and spirit”. It offers a comprehensive and methodological approach to the aging workforce challenge, making it a unique tool to help shape society according to the changing population beforehand, eliminating the problems the business world would have to face otherwise.

eTUTOR-CEK, ISSN: 2591-1090, Izdajatelj: Ekonomska fakulteta Ljubljana, Centralna ekonomska knjižnica, 2017-, Urednika: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

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