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Business Strategies and Management for Sustainability / Christopher LaszloBusiness Strategies and Management for Sustainability explores how a green economy can be created and sustained. Its well-known authors look at the sustainability of business in both the environmental and financial senses of the word. Articles are designed and written for the nonexpert reader, covering topics such as green gross domestic product, "greenwashing," risk management, and the economics of renewable energy and "going local."
ISBN: 9781614729648
Datum izdaje: 2014-09-01
Development Without Destruction / Nico Schrijver; James Crawford (Foreword by); Supachai Panitchpakdi (Foreword by)Since 1945, the UN has been actively engaged in conceptualizing strategies for both economic development and a sustainable environment. From a broad historical perspective, Development without Destruction sketches the role played by organizations and individuals in the UN system in developing and consolidating principles of international law and international governance with respect to natural resource management. Nico Schrijver highlights the UN's efforts to generate and implement strategies to resolve tensions between economic development and environmental protection, conservation and exploitation, sovereignty and internationalism, and armed conflict and peaceful access to natural resources. Schrijver's thorough analysis is an indispensable guide to management of the critical environmental issues on today's global agenda.
ISBN: 9780253004567
Datum izdaje: 2010-07-14
Fundamentals of Sustainable Business / Mattew TuethFundamentals of Sustainable Business begins by briefly describing the legacy of environmental and social problems that have arisen as a result of conventional business practices, and then details the coalescence of a broad-based contemporary movement that has been called "The Next Industrial Revolution". Combining the long-term interests of business, community, and the natural world, the resulting sustainable business reformation is unlike any previous human endeavor.The book deftly synthesizes a diverse collection of movement components, including some original concepts, and provides a single comprehensive and definitive source for understanding the emerging and complex phenomenon of sustainable business. This work challenges many long-held conventional assumptions involving the relationship of the natural world and humankind as well as our fundamental approaches to industrial production. It critiques the various emerging brands of sustainable business activities, and provides the reader with a clear understanding of the essential design components of a movement that provides a conceptual infrastructure for a prosperous and healthy world for all generations of all species for all time.
ISBN: 9789812839336
Datum izdaje: 2009-08-24
Inspirational Guide for the Implementation of PRME / Principles for Principles for Responsible Management Education (Editor)Since the inception of the United Nations Global Compact-sponsored initiative Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) in 2007, there has been increased debate over how to adapt management education to best meet the demands of the 21st-century business environment. While consensus has been reached by the majority of globally focused management education institutions that sustainability must be incorporated into management education curricula, the relevant question is no longer _why_ management education should change, but _how_. Although the PRME initiative is set to increase to 1,000 signatories by 2015, it is equally important for PRME to cultivate actively engaged participants. Therefore, the next step is for current participants to transition from a global learning community to an action community. For this purpose, the PRME Secretariat invited a small group of experts to coordinate an Inspirational Guide for the Implementation of PRME which was presented at the 3rd Global Forum for Responsible Management Education, the official platform for management-related Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) at both the Global Compact Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio+20 - in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. The Guide answers the most frequently asked questions concerning the implementation of PRME by highlighting real-world examples from the most engaged signatories. The exercise has proven successful, and this publication features 63 case stories from 47 institutions, representing 25 countries across Asia, Oceania, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. They are the real actors in this effort, and their stories are truly inspirational. Their experiences are classified into six sections, which address the Six Principles of PRME (Purpose, Values, Method, Research, Partnership, and Dialogue) as well as important related aspects, such as how to get started, how to successfully report on PRME adoption, and so on. The full richness of experiences set forth in this Guide is captured only by reading the wealth of innovative practices found in each case.
ISBN: 9781909201019
Datum izdaje: 2012-06-08
Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Demetris Vrontis; Georgia Sakka; Monaliz AmirkhanpourThis book consists of various chapters which focus on the wider contexts of management innovation, entrepreneurship, and human resource management practices. Furthermore, the contributions are authored by scholars from all over the world, allowing the book to adopt a truly global perspective. Innovation is, without doubt, the foundation of economic growth and corporate prosperity, while entrepreneurship, on the other hand, provides all the necessary mobilization for this growth and prosperity. Human Resource Management practices safeguard internal relationship approaches, sustainability and efficiency. The book provides detailed insights into subjects as diverse as innovation, competitiveness, innovative business, human resource management practices, corporate entrepreneurship, management change, marketing, risk management, transnational innovation strategies and tactics, and innovative corporate practices. This volume provides scientific evidence and direction to businesses regarding competing in today's ever-changing environment. It will be of particular interest to scholars, students, researchers and practitioners throughout the business world, given that it covers a wide spectrum of business types and industry sectors.
ISBN: 9781443874649
Datum izdaje: 2015-05-01
Trajnostni management N - Z
Perspectives on Sustainable Technology / M. Rafiqul Islam (Editor)Nature thrives on diversity and flexibility, gaining strength from heterogeneity, whereas the quest for homogeneity seems to motivate much of modern engineering. Nature is non-linear and inherently promotes multiplicity of solutions. This new and important book presents recent research on true sustainability and technology development from around the globe.
ISBN: 9781604560695
Datum izdaje: 2008-02-01
Sustainability Indicators in Practice / Agnieszka Latawiec; Dorice AgolThe goal of sustainable development is to meet the socio-economic and environmental objectives without comprising the needs of future generations. Since the Rio Summit of 1992, the concept of sustainability has captured our imaginations and aspirations and efforts to develop its indicators have increased. A range of sustainability indicators have been developed within various socio-economic, environmental and cultural contexts- including biodiversity, economy, energy, water, land use and transport. Sustainability indicators are widespread in international development arena. They have become popularized among governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector and the wider public. Based on multiple cases across the world, this book explores opportunities and challenges associated with the practical application of sustainability indicators. The book reflects diversity of professionals of inter-disciplinary backgrounds covering contemporary issues within different socio-economic and environmental contexts. Each chapter presents practical examples of the merits and challenges of using sustainability indicators and draws conclusions and lessons learned. The book targets a range of audience from students, academics to development practitioners and policy-makers. The two editors of this book: Dr. Agnieszka Ewa Latawiec and Dr. Dorice Agol are inter-disciplinary scientists who both have experience in research at the environmental conservation and development nexus.
ISBN: 9783110450491
Datum izdaje: 2015-12-15
Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Transition / Jurgen Schmandt (Editor); C. H. Ward (Editor); Bruce Alberts (Foreword by); Marilu Hastings (Assisted by)Demographers predict that world population will double to around twelve billion people during the first half of the twenty-first century and then begin to level off. Based on this scenario, Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Transition examines what societal changes must occur over the next generation to ensure a successful transition to sustainability within the constraints of the natural environment. An array of prominent authors present a broad discussion of the dimensions of sustainable development: not just economic and environmental, but also spiritual and religious, corporate and social, scientific and political. Unlike other books on the subject, this volume provides insightful policy recommendations about how business, government, and individuals must change their values, priorities, and behaviour to meet these challenges. This volume will appeal to scholars and decision makers interested in global change, environmental policy, population growth, and sustainable development, and also to corporate environmental managers.
ISBN: 9780521653053
Datum izdaje: 2000-04-13
Sustainable Development Strategies / D. B. Dalal-Clayton (Compiled by); Stephen Bass (Compiled by)This book is a cornerstone resource for a wide range of organizations and individuals concerned with sustainable development at national and local levels, as well as for international organizations concerned with supporting such development. While the focus is on integrated strategies for sustainable development, the approaches and methods covered are equally relevant to poverty reduction, environmental and sectoral strategies, program development and review. Agenda 21 called for all countries to develop sustainable development strategies. For such strategies to be effective there needs to be a real commitment. In every country, government at all levels, the private sector and civil society must work together in a true partnership, in transparent ways which enable genuine stakeholder participation. The necessary mechanisms and processes need to be coordinated to enable continuous learning and improvement. This resource book provides flexible, non-prescriptive guidance on how to develop, assess and implement,national sustainable development strategies. It sets out principles and ideas on process and methods, and suggests how these can be used. It is based on an analysis of past and current practice, drawing directly from experience in both developed and developing countries. Following a discussion of the nature and challeges of sustainable development and the need for strategic responses to them, the heart of the book covers the main tasks in strategy processes. Individual chapters offer a rich range of guidance, ideas and case studies on: * The nature of sustainable development strategies and current practice * Key steps in starting, managing and improving sustainable developmentstrategies * Analysis of and for sustainable development * Participation for sustainable development * Information, education and communications * Strategy decision-making frameworks and procedures * The financial basis for strate
ISBN: 9781853839467
Datum izdaje: 2002-10-01
Technologies and Management for Sustainable Biosystems / Jaya Nair (Editor)Provision of water, food, energy, and shelter throughout the world were integrated with bio-systems and was a sustainable approach for the management of organic wastes as well as in the past. Increased urbanisation an dependence on mechanical technologies coupled with lifestyle changes and market driven economic centralism is consuming resources in unsustainable ways. This urban-lifestyle and commercial activity is often unconnected with surrounding ecosystems and bio-systems. In questioning the sustainability of lifestyle and commercial activities old approaches have been reassessed and refined. Development of decentralised technologies that mimic bio-systems have led to real commercial gains without sacrificing a sustainable approach. Decentralised approa-systems guarantee innovation. The use of bio-systems and models derived from them can have real benefit to the environment and to the economy. The papers in this book will be of interest to academics, industries, policy makers and community workers who are worrying on several aspects of utilising bio-systems and making it sustainable. The topics discussed in this book are mainly on the technologies related to the management of bio-systems.
ISBN: 9781608761043
Datum izdaje: 2009-10-01
Wildlife Tourism / David Newsome; Ross K. Dowling; Susan A. MooreThis book is a landmark contribution to the rapidly growing field of wildlife tourism, especially in regard to its underpinning foundations of science, conservation and policy. Written by a number of environmental and biological scientists it explains the synergy between wildlife and tourism by drawing on their global experiences.
ISBN: 9781845410063
Datum izdaje: 2005-07-22
Working Towards Sustainable Development / Peter Poschen; International Labor OfficeA green economy is necessary if sustainable development is to be realized. However, as this report emphasizes, a green economy--if accompanied by the right policy mix--can also create more and better jobs, lift people out of poverty, and promote social inclusion. In fact, the growth model of the past few decades has been inefficient, not only economically, but also from environmental, employment, and social perspectives. A new development model--one that puts people, fairness, and the planet at the core of policymaking--is urgently needed and is eminently achievable. This report demonstrates that employment and social inclusion must be integral parts of any sustainable development strategy and must be included in policies that address climate change and ensure the preservation of the environment. In particular, the report assesses the sectoral, employment, and income implications of the transition to a green economy.