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MAG 2023-2024

1. letnik

Predmet Literatura E-vir
Organizacija in management Daft, R.L., Marcic, D. (2011): Management – The New Workplace, 7th international edition. South-Western Cengage Learning (Izbrana poglavja).  
Vardi, Y., & Weitz, E. (2016). Misbehavior in organizations: a dynamic approach (2nd ed., str. XX, 334). Milton Park (Oxfordshire).  
Poslovno okolje Suggested textbooks:  
Paul Wetherly, Dorron Otter, The Business Environment, Oxford University Press, 2011  
Marko Jaklič, Poslovno okolje in gospodarski razvoj (Business Environment and Economic Development), EF, 2008  
Needle, D. (2010) Business in context, Cengage Publishing  
Blanchard, O. J., Amighini, A., & Giavazzi, F. (2021). Macroeconomics: a European perspective (4th ed., str. XXII, 602). Pearson Education.  
Računovodstvo za managerje

Basic readings:

Garrison, Noreen, and Seal (2003): MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, European edition, McGraw-Hill. 

Berry, Anthony J. & Broadbent, Jane, Otley, David (2005): MANAGEMENT CONTROL, 2nd edition, Palgrave Macmillan.  
Hope, Jeremy & Fraser, Robin (2003): Beyond Budgeting, HBS Press.  
Simons, Robert (1995): LEVERS OF CONTROL, Harvard Business School Press.  
Upravljalna ekonomika Besanko D., Dranove D., Shanley M., Schaefer S.: Economics of strategy, Third Edition, Wiley and Sons, 2010.   
Baye R. M.: Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, Eight Edition, McGraw Hill, 2013.  
Truett L., Truett D. Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2004.  
Winston, W. L., & Albright, S. C. (2019). Practical management science (6th ed., str. XVI, 824). Cengage Learning.  
Ghemawat P: Games Businesses Play, The MIT Press, 1997.  
Keat P, Young P: Managerial Economics: Economic Tools for Today’s Decision Makers, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1996.  
Pindyck R., Rubinfeld D: Microeconomics, Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1998. Chapters 3-8.  
Prašnikar J, Debeljak Ž: Ekonomski modeli za poslovno odločanje, GV, 1998.  
Finančni management Berk, J. B., & DeMarzo, P. M. (2024). Corporate finance (6th ed., str. 1195). Pearson Education.  
Marketing za managerje Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. M., & Balasubramanian, S. (2024). Principles of marketing (19th ed., global ed., str. 768). Pearson Education.  
Dibb, S. (2023). Marketing concepts and strategies (9th ed., str. XVII, 796). Cengage Learning EMEA.  
Proizvodni management R. Anupindi, S. Chopra, S.D. Deshmukh, J.A. Van Mieghem, E. Zemel, Managing Business Process Flows, Prentice Hall, Third Edition, 2012.  
Cachon, G., & Terwiesch, C. (2023). Matching supply with demand: an introduction to operations management (5th ed., str. XVIII, 520). McGraw Hill.  
Management človeških virov Kohont, A., Svetlik, I., Treven, S., & Ignjatović, M. (2021). Menedžment človeških virov (str. 658). Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV. 

2. letnik

Predmet Literatura E-vir
Strateški management Textbook (osnovni učbenik):  
1. Jay Barney: Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage 4th Ed. (Prentice Hall)  
2. W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne (2005): The Blue Ocean Strategy - additional book  
Articles (članki):  
J. Prašnikar, M. Lisjak, A. Rejc Buhovac & M. Štembergar (2008): Identifying and Exploiting the Inter-relationships between Technological and Marketing Capabilities, Long Range Planning
Marc J. Epstein, Adriana Rejc Buhovac, Kristy Yuthas (2009): Managing Social, Environmental, and Financial Performance Simultaneously: What Can We Learn from Corporate Best Practices?  

Izbirni predmeti

Predmet Literatura E-vir
Bančni management    
Digitalno trženje in družbeni mediji Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2022). Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice (8th ed., str. XXVI, 534). Pearson.  
Stokes, R. & The Minds of Red & Yellow. (2017). eMarketing: The essential guide to marketing in a digital world (7th ed.). Red & Yellow.
Ekonomika globalizacije in institucij Eiteman, D. K., Stonehill, A. I., & Moffett, M. H. (2024). Multinational business finance (16th ed., global ed., str. 594, 40). Pearson Education. Chapters 2 and 3.
Shapiro, A. C., Hanouna, P., & Sarin, A. (2024). Multinational financial management (12th ed., str. XLV, 568, 49). Wiley. Chapter 6.  
Capital Flows to Emerging Markets: Looking Past the Turbolence. IIF, October 2018.
Clark, E., Levasseur, M., & Rousseau, P. (1993). International finance (1st ed., str. XVI, 623). Chapman & Hall. Chapter 16 and 17 on syndicated loans and eurobonds.  
Bacchetta, M., & Jansen, M. (Eds.). (2011). Making globalization socially sustainable. International Labor Office in World Trade Organization.
Rodrik, D. (2007). How to Save Globalization from its Cheerleaders. Social Science Research Network.
Autor, D., Dorn, D., & Hanson, G. (2016). The China Shock: Learning from Labor Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade.
Autor, D., Dorn, D., Hanson, G., & Majlesi, K. (2016). Importing political polarization? The electoral consequences of rising trade exposure.
Rodrik, D. (2017). Populism and the Economics of Globalization.
*Globalno poslovno okolje    
Investicije Bodie, Z., Kane, A., & Marcus, A. J. (2021). Investments (12th ed., str. XXVIII, 966, 45). McGraw-Hill Education.
Reilly, F. K., & Brown, K. C. (2012). Analysis of investments & management of portfolios (10th ed., str. XXVI, 1066). South-Western, Cengage Learning.
Javna politika Dye, T. R. (2014). Understanding public policy (14th ed., Pearson new international ed., str. II, 350). Pearson Education.  
Parsons, W. (2003). Public policy: an introduction to the theory and practice of policy analysis (Paperback ed., str. XVIII, 675). E. Elgar.  
Liberalizacija in regulacija trgov Bailey, S. J. (2002). Public sector economics: theory, policy and practice (2nd ed., str. XIII, 450). Palgrave.  
International handbook on economic regulation (str. XIV, 405). (2006). E. Elgar.  
Grimsey, D., & Lewis, M. (2007). Public private partnerships: the worldwide revolution in infrastructure provision and project finance (str. XV, 286). Edward Elgar.  
Baldwin, R., Cave, M., & Lodge, M. (2012). Understanding regulation: theory, strategy, and practice (2nd ed., str. XIX, 548). Oxford University Press.
Brown, S. J., & Sibley, D. (1986). The theory of public utility pricing / Stephen J.Brown, David S.Sibley. (str. VI, 252). Cambridge University Press.  
Management inovacij Adams, R., Bessant, J., & Phelps, R. (2006). Innovation management measurement: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews : IJMR8(1), 21–47.
Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review86(6), 84–92.
Dyer, J. H., Gregersen, H. B., & Christensen, C. M. (2009). The Innovator’s DNA. Harvard Business Review87(12), 60–67.
Hamel, G. (2006). The Why, What, and How of Management Innovation. Harvard Business Review84(2), 72–84.
Iyer, B., & Davenport, T. H. (2008). Reverse Engineering Google’s Innovation Machine. Harvard Business Review86(4), 58–68.
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. R. (2013). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change (5th ed., str. XIX, 660). J. Wiley.
Tidd, J. (2001). Innovation management in context: environment, organization and performance. International Journal of Management Reviews : IJMR3(3), 169–183.
Management okolja Simms, A., Chowla, P., & Johnson, V. (2010). Growth isn’t Possible. New Economics Foundation.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2006). Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility. Harvard Business Review84(12), 78–92.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011). The big idea: Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review89(1–2).  
Orsato, R. J. (2006). Competitive Environmental Strategies: When Does it Pay to Be Green? California Management Review, 48(2), 127-143.
Epstein, M. J., & Buhovac, A. R. (2010). Solving the sustainability implementation challenge. Organizational Dynamics, 39(4), 306–315.
Management poslovne odličnosti    
Mednarodne finance Eiteman, D. K., Stonehill, A. I., & Moffett, M. H. (2024). Multinational business finance (16th ed., global ed., str. 594, 40). Pearson Education.
Clark, E., Levasseur, M., & Rousseau, P. (1993). International finance (1st ed.). Chapman & Hall.  
Gibson, H. (1995). International finance: exchange rates and financial flows in the international financial system. Longman.  
Calvo, G., & Mishkin, F. (2003). The mirage of exchange rate regimes for emerging market countries.
Mednarodni management Bartlett, C. A., Ghoshal, S., & Beamish, P. W. (2008). Transnational management: text, cases, and readings in cross-border management (5th ed., international ed., str. XV, 822). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.  
Mednarodni marketing Mooij, M. K. de. (2019). Consumer behavior & culture: consequences for global marketing and advertising (3rd ed., str. XVII, 451). SAGE.  
Mooij, M. K. de. (2022). Global marketing & advertising: understanding cultural paradoxes (6th ed., str. XXI, 504). SAGE.  
Johansson, J. K. (2009). Global marketing: foreign entry, local marketing, & global management (5th ed., international ed., str. XIX, 662). McGraw-Hill.  
Medorganizacijsko trženje Mohr, J. J., Sengupta, S., & Slater, S. F. (2014). Marketing of high-technology products and innovations (3rd ed., str. II, 542). Pearson Education.  
Brennan, R., Canning, L., & McGrath, H. (2024). Business-to-business marketing (6th ed., str. X, 412). SAGE.  
Sanchez, R., & Heene, A. (2004). The new strategic management: organization, competition, and competence (str. XIX, 309). J. Wiley & Sons.  
Indian economic superpower: fiction or future? (str. XII, 267). (2009). World Scientific.
Modeliranje v napredni podatkovni analitiki Kotu, V., & Deshpande, B. (2015). Predictive analytics and data mining: concepts and practice with RapidMiner (str. XIX, 425). Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.
RapidMiner: data mining use cases and business analytics applications (str. LIV, 465). (2014). CRC Press.  
Multivariatna analiza Hair, J. F. (2019). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed., str. XVII, 813). Cengage Learning EMEA.  
Field, A. P., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2014). Discovering statistics using R (Reprinted, str. XXXIV, 957). SAGE.  
Najboljše prakse v managementu javnega sektorja Setnikar-Cankar, S., & Aristovnik, A. (2009). Public sector performance measurement in Slovenia - selected concepts and cases. Köz-gazdaság4(2), 1–16.
Setnikar-Cankar, S., Seljak, J., & Petkovšek, V. (2011). Public finance expenditure and awarding work to external contractors - case of Slovenia. The journal of applied business research27(1), 41–49.
Setnikar-Cankar, S. (2011). Slovenia in transition: decentralization as a goal. V The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe (str. 642–663). Oxford University Press.
Nemec, J. (2010). New Public Management and its implementation in the CEE region: what do we know and where do we go? Uprava8(1/2), 7–36.
Penger, S., & Tekavčič, M. (2008). Slovenian case of strategic change management in the public sector: towards the Lisbon Strategy. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci26(2), 301–324.
Adam, A., Delis, M., & Kammas, P. (2010). Public sector efficiency: leveling the playing field between OECD countries. Public Choice, 146(1–2), 163–183.
Denhardt, J. V., & Denhardt, R. B. (2015). Public Administration and the New Public Management. V The New Public Service: Serving, Not Steering (4th ed., str. 3–24). Routledge.  
Obnašanje potrošnikov    
Orodja managementa kakovosti in odličnosti Albright, S. C., Winston, W. L., & Zappe, C. J. (2009). Data analysis & decision making with Microsoft Excel (Revised 3rd ed., international student ed., str. XVI, 1084). Thomson/South-Western.  
Beauregard, M. R., Mikulak, R. J., & Olson, B. A. (1992). A practical guide to statistical quality improvement: Opening Up the Statistical Toolbox. Springer.  
Breyfogle, F. W. (2003). Implementing Six Sigma: smarter solutions using statistical methods (2nd ed., str. XLII, 1187). J. Wiley.  
Feigenbaum, A. V. (1991). Total quality control (3rd ed., 58th anniversary ed., str. XXVII, 863). McGraw-Hill.  
Mitra, A. (2021). Fundamentals of quality control and improvement (5th ed., str. XXIII, 773). Wiley.  
Peace, G. S. (1993). Taguchi methods: A Hands-on Approach. Addison Wesley Publishing Company.  
Podjetniško svetovanje

Obvezna literatura:

Vizjak, A. (2010). Formule uspeha za novo desetletje: na temelju analize 600 podjetij, ki so premagala krizo (1. natis, str. 255). GV založba.

Priporočena literatura:  
Kubena, M., Okes-Voysey, M., & Vizjak, A. (2012). Innovation excellence in Central and Eastern Europe: a PwC experience (1. Aufl., str. 216). Wiley-VCH.  
Vizjak, A. (2007). Zmagovalci tržnih niš: perspektive slovenskih podjetij v boju proti globalni konkurenci (1. natis, str. 339). GV založba.  
Vizjak, A. (2008). Competing against scale: the growth cube for scale-based competition (1st run, str. 306). GV založba; A. T. Kearney.  
Pogajanja in medkulturna komunikacija Malhotra, D., & Bazerman, M. H. (2007). Negotiation genius: how to overcome obstacles and achieve brilliant results at the bargaining table and beyond (str. 343). Bantam Dell.  
Deresky, H., & Miller, S. R. (2023). International management: managing across borders and cultures: text and cases (10th ed., str. XVI, 408). Pearson. - Selected chapters only  
Poslovni design Brown, T., & Katz, B. (2009). Change by design: how design thinking transforms organizations and inspires innovation (1st ed., str. VIII, 264). Harper Business.  
Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review86(6), 84–92.
Leavy, B. (2010). Design thinking - a new mental model of value innovation. Strategy & Leadership38(3), 5–14.
Kelley, T. (2016). The art of innovation: lessons in creativity from IDEO, America’s leading design firm (Paperback ed., str. 307). Profile Books.
Holloway, M. (2009). How tangible is your strategy? How design thinking can turn your strategy into reality. The Journal of Business Strategy30(2/3), 50–56.
Rauth, I., Köppen, E., Jobst, B., & Meinel, C. (2010). Design Thinking: An Educational Model towards Creative Confidence. In T. Taura & Y. Nagai (Eds.), DS 66-2: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2010). Springer.
*Profesionalni razvoj kot temelj uspešne poslovne poti    
Raziskave za poslovni svet Ghauri, P. N., Grønhaug, K., & Strange, R. (2020). Research methods in business studies (5th ed., str. XIX, 327). Cambridge University Press.  
Raziskovalni projekt    
Razvijanje zmožnosti za vodenje Kotter, J. P. (1988). The leadership factor (str. IX, 161). The Free Press; Collier Macmillan.  
Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change (str. X, 187). Harvard Business School Press.  
Bennis, W. G. (20092021, cop.). On becoming a leader: [the leadership classic] (20th anniversary ed., revised and updated, str. XXXIX, 254). Basic Books.  
Gavetti, G. (2011). The New Psychology Of Strategic Leadership. Harvard Business Review89(7–8), 118–166.
Gavetti, G., Levinthal, D. A., & Rivkin, J. W. (2005). Strategy making in novel and complex worlds: the power of analogy. Strategic Management Journal26(8), 691–712.
Gavetti, G., & Rivkin, J. W. (2005). How strategists really think: Tapping the power of analogy. Harvard Business Review83(4), 54–63.
Cialdini, R. B. (2009). Influence: science and practice (5th ed., [Pearson international ed.], str. XII, 260). Pearson, Allyn and Bacon.  
Sistemi za podporo odločanju Winston, W. L., & Albright, S. C. (2019). Practical management science (6th ed., str. XVI, 824). Cengage Learning.  
Berson, A., Smith, S., & Thearling, K. (2000). Building data mining applications for CRM (str. XXVII, 510). McGraw-Hill.  
Strateško vodenje in odgovornost Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. (2022). Business ethics: ethical decision making and cases (13th ed., str. XVI, 592). Cengage.  
Carr, A. Z. (1968). Is business bluffing ethical? Harvard Business Review46(1), 143–153.
Friedman, M. (b. d.). The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. V Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance (str. 173–178). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Handy, C. (2002). What’s a Business For? Harvard Business Review80(12), 49–56.
Worldly leadership: alternative wisdoms for a complex world (str. XIX, 290). (2012). Palgrave Macmillan UK; Imprint; Palgrave Macmillan.  
Tehnološki management Schilling, M. A. (2023). Strategic management of technological innovation (7th ed., str. XVII, 349). McGraw-Hill.  
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. R. (2013). Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change (5th ed., str. XIX, 660). J. Wiley.
Afuah, A. (2003). Innovation management: strategies, implementation and profits (2nd ed., str. IX, 390). Oxford University Press.  
Dodgson, M., Gann, D., & Salter, A. J. (2008). The management of technological innovation: strategy and practice: completely revised and updated (str. XXVII, 373). Oxford University Press.
Mohr, J. J., Sengupta, S., & Slater, S. F. (2014). Marketing of high-technology products and innovations (3rd ed., str. II, 542). Pearson Education.  
Shane, S. A. (2014). Technology strategy for managers and entrepreneurs (1st ed., str. II, 382). Pearson Education.  
Moore, G. A. (2005). Inside the tornado: strategies for developing, leveraging and surviving hypergrowth markets (str. XXIV, 244). Collins.  
Biemans, W. G. (2010). Business to business marketing: a value-driven approach (str. XXII, 362). McGraw-Hill.  
Catmull, E. E., & Wallace, A. (2014). Creativity, Inc.: overcoming the unseen forces that stand in the way of true inspiration (str. XVI, 340 , 8 pril.). Random House.  
Capitalizing on creativity at work: fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations (str. XIII, 356). (2016). Edward Elgar.  
Grant, A. M. (2017). Originals: how non-conformists move the world (str. XIV, 321). Penguin Books.  
Uresničitev osebnih potencialov Anderson, R. J., & Adams, W. A. (2016). Mastering leadership: an integrated framework for breakthrough performance and extraordinary business results (str. XXXI, 342). John Wiley & Sons.
Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self: problem and process in human development (str. 318). Harvard University Press.
Kegan, R. (1994). In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life (str. VIII, 396). Harvard University Press.  
Kegan, R., & Laskow Lahey, L. (2009). Immunity to change: how to overcome it and unlock potential in yourself and your organization (str. XVII, 340). Harvard Business Press.  

McCauley, C. D., Drath, W. H., Palus, C. J., O’Connor, P. M., & Baker, B. A. (2006). The use of constructive-developmental theory to advance the understanding of leadership. The leadership quarterly, 17(6), 634–653.

Rooke, D., & Torbert, W. R. (2005). Seven Transformations of Leadership. Harvard Business Review83(4), 66–76.
Torbert, B., Cook-Greuter, S., Fisher, D., Foldy, E. G., Gauthier, A., Keeley, J., Rooke, D., Ross, S., Royce, C., Rudolph, J., Taylor, S., & Tran, M. (2004). Action inquiry: the secret of timely and transforming leadership (1st ed., str. X, 248). Berrett-Koehler.  
Združitve in prevzemi

Kester, G. W., & Hoover, S. A. (2005). FRICTO Analysis: A Framework For Making Capital Structure And Financing Decisions. Journal of Financial Education, 31, 61–68.

Kester, G. W., Hoover, S. A., & Pirkle, K. M. (2004). How Much Debt Can a Borrower Afford? The RMA Journal, 2004(November), 46–51.

Brotherson, W. T., Eades, K. M., Harris, R. S., & Higgins, R. C. (2014). Company Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions: How is Discounted Cash Flow Applied by Leading Practitioners? Journal of Applied Finance24(2), 43–51.

eTUTOR-CEK, ISSN: 2591-1090, Izdajatelj: Ekonomska fakulteta Ljubljana, Centralna ekonomska knjižnica, 2017-, Urednika: Urban Golob in Martina Petan

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